The Story Behind The Song: “What A Man My Man Is”

Lynn Anderson
Lynn Anderson

“What A Man My Man Is” carried a familiar theme for Lynn Anderson since one of her earlier hits, “You’re My Man,” also celebrated a successful marital relationship. Both tunes were penned by her then-husband Glenn Sutton, who also served as her producer.

“It was the exact same thing,” acknowledged Lynn. “It’s Glenn writing a song for me to sing about Glenn! It sounds kind of egotistical when you put it like that, but I felt that way about him then and I didn’t mind performing a song that was singing his praises.”

Although the song might have summed up their relationship at the time, Sutton said he had other thoughts in mind when he first composed “What A Man My Man Is.” He initially wrote it for the Lennon Sisters, of all people! Glenn flew to Las Vegas to meet with them. He had an arrangement all worked out. The ladies liked the song and agreed to record it. Then their recording deal with Atlantic Records fell through, so Sutton decided to record the tune with Lynn.

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