Reba McEntire: Kenny Rogers ‘Saved My Sanity’ After Plane Crash

The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw was the fourth of five movies based on his hit song “The Gambler.” In this film, McEntire plays Burgundy Jones, and she’s trying to get Rogers’ character Brady Hawkes to a big gambling tournament. Clips from her appearance are available on YouTube.

“I miss him so much,” McEntire says of Kenny Rogers. “He’s such a special person and a big-hearted giver.” Rogers died of natural causes at his home on March 20, 2020. He was the first Country Music Hall of Famer to die in 2020, with Charlie Daniels being the other.

McEntire had equally fond memories of Daniels, recalling a tour she did with him and Alabama. “First night of the tour Charlie sent me a huge bouquet of roses. I’ll never forget it. What a gentleman,” she remarks.

Rumor Has It is one of McEntire’s most iconic albums and features songs like “Fancy” and “You Lie.” It’s also memorable for an album cover that McEntire now admits was inspired by a Barbara Streisand photo.

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