Trace Adkins ‘ Loves: His Past and Newest

Barbara Lewis

Lewis was Adkins’ high school sweetheart. After suffering a knee injury on Louisiana Tech University’s football team, the future country star dropped out to move home to marry his girlfriend. The marriage was short-lived, lasting only 4 years, but resulted in two daughters named Tarah and Sarah.

Julie Curtis

Adkins’ relationship with second wife Julie, an insurance salesperson, is really one for the books. The couple famously got in a fight over the singer’s alcoholism and Curtis picked up the family handgun and shot him. That’s right. Bullets went through his heart and both lungs but he somehow survived. Adkins told People about the incident.

“Being a macho guy like I am, I tried to scare it out of her hand. I said, ‘Give me the gun, or I’m gonna take it away from you and beat your damn brains out with it.’ I would never have done that, but I told her in hopes that it would scare her.”

After not pressing charges against his wife, the two divorced after three years of marriage.

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