The Story Behind The Song: “Lady Down On Love” – ALABAMA


Alabama (#1 country, #76 pop, 1983)

Alabama waited seven years to record “Lady Down On Love,” a song that Randy Owen composed during one of his most prolific weeks as a songwriter. That same week in 1976, he put the finishing touches on “Tennessee River.”

Alabama was booked at the Red Carpet Inn in Bowling Green, Kentucky and part of their usual routine included a little give-and-take with the audience. A large group of ladies occupied one particular table and when the band asked them why they were all there together, the women replied that they were celebrating a divorce. They pointed to a girl down at the other end of the table and she didn’t look like she was celebrating. Randy Owen said something to her about it and she said, “Well, I’d really rather be at home with my husband and be in love.” The sadness of the comment struck Randy hard.

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