Inside the Life of Norma Strait

“Shortly before midnight on June 25, 1986, in San Marcos, Texas a tragedy happened which would forever change the lives of the Strait family. 

Jenifer Strait was riding with three friends when the driver lost control of his Ford Mustang as he attempted to take a turn too fast.  The car rolled over, just before midnight, not far from the Strait home. Jenifer’s window was open, and she did not have a seat belt on.  The thirteen-year-old daughter of Norma and George Strait lost her life that night; the only fatality of the one-car non-alcohol related accident.

George was not on tour at the time, he was home, and was at the scene shortly after being notified.”

There was also a message from George: “Jenifer had so many special friends.  So many that Norma and I couldn’t keep up with them a lot of the time.  But we never met one of them we didn’t like. They were special to her; they were special to us. Her very special love of all though was her brother Bubba.  To watch them together, and the way she watched over him made us know he was always safe with her, no matter what. He loved her back in the same way, and always will, just as we always will.  She was like a second mother to Bubba in a way. They had their arguments like a brother, and sister do but in the end, she always made Bubba feel like he came out on top.”

“Her cousins Shane, Wade, Kara, Trey, and Walker were also special to her.  There was always closeness between them that I don’t ever remember having when I was young. They all love each other very much.”

“We will all miss Jenifer very much, and we will never forget her, her smile, and laugh.” George wrote on the foundation’s website.

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