Insane (But True) Facts About Waylon Jennings

Waylon Jennings
Waylon Jennings

It’s impossible to think about country music outlaws without thinking of Waylon Jennings. It’s also impossible to think about country music outlaws without thinking of crazy stories.

There’s certainly no shortage of those stories in Jennings’ history.

Some stories are ones you may be familiar with, as they inspired Jennings’ songs. Remember his hit “Don’t You Think This Outlaw Bit’s Done Got Out of Hand”?

Well, that was based on a wild, real-life story that involved DEA agents and cocaine being flushed down a toilet.

Other stories have flown under the radar a bit more, taking on an almost mythical status among hardcore outlaw fans. Like the story of how Jennings once made $25,000 just by taking a pee.

In other words, there are some insane facts out there about Jennings that sound crazy beyond belief. But they’re all true, and we have six of the rough and rowdiest stories to share with you right here.

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