The Story Behind The Song: “Love Me Over Again”

Williams’ producer, Garth Fundis, explained that the original reason Don wrote songs was that he wanted to say something he couldn’t find anywhere else. Then, when he started getting attention from Nashville’s top composers, Don discovered a lot of things he wanted to say in other people’s songs, most notably Roger Cook and Sam Hogin’s “I Believe In You.”

The last Williams composition to reach Billboard’s number one slot was “Love Me Over Again.” It was a song written at a house right across the road from Don’s home just outside of Nashville. He used this house primarily for the purpose of getting away to the solitude, with just him and his guitar, to write songs.

Williams wasn’t sure of “Love Me Over Again’s” value until he played it for Fundis, who immediately recommended it for Don’s “Portrait” album. The song debuted on Billboard’s country singles chart on December 8, 1979, and became Williams’ tenth of his 17 career number one hits in its eleventh week, on February 16, 1980. 

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