Mattie Jackson Honors Husband Ben Selecman On 4th Anniversary Of His Death

Mattie Jackson Selecman Honors Husband Ben On 4th Anniversary Of His Death
Mattie Jackson Selecman / Instagram

In September 2018, Alan Jackson‘s son-in-law Ben Selecman slipped and hit his head while helping people onto a boat in Florida. He was in the hospital for awhile before he passed away on September 12.

Ben married Alan’s eldest daughter, Mattie, in October 2017. They were just one month shy of celebrating their first anniversary when Ben passed away. Mattie became a widow at the age of 28.

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Une publication partagée par Mattie Jackson Selecman (@mjselecman)

Mattie has been incredibly open about her grief on social media and in her 2021 book, Lemons on Friday. She also co-founded the organization NaSHEville, which helps multiple groups of people, including widows.

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