Wynonna Judd and Cactus Moser’s Story Tells Of A Love That Prevails

Wynonna Judd and Cactus Moser’s Story Tells Of A Love That Prevails
Cactus Moser and Wynonna Judd

‘Almost bulletproof’ – that’s how country singer Wynonna Judd described her relationship with spouse Michael Scott “Cactus” Moser. Just months after they got married, they had gone through one of the most devastating tragedies any couple could go through – a terrifying brush with death. But they stood strong and held on to their vows to love, hold, and cherish each other till death do they part. They weathered the storm and emerged stronger not only as a couple but as individuals as well. And now, they are already in for a decade, making love and music.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane back into the ’80s and see how their love story started.

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