What does the shape of your nose reveal about your personality?

1/ Nubian nose: This type of nose is associated with creative and interesting people. They are optimistic and have an open mind. They are very sociable and are often surrounded by interesting groups of friends.
2/ Greek Nose: People with a Greek nose are a little more closed off. Sometimes, they have a hard time showing their emotions and don’t like being the center of attention. They are loyal people, who can always be counted on, and have a rather pragmatic outlook on life.
3/ Hooked nose: This type of nose has a (slight) bulge in the middle. People with this nose are very ambitious and dedicated to their goals. They often have strong beliefs and principles that they would defend against everything.
4/ Nose of Orli: People with this nose are determined and well organized. They often think about their career and professional success, which is often a priority over everything else. They are intelligent and do not give up until they achieve what they want, both in professional and private life.

5/ Nose up: People with this nose form are often considered joyful, enthusiastic, impulsive and spontaneous people. They are often highly sought after too because their lively personalities attract many admirers. Compared to other people, they often have a strong instinct that guides them in their decisions.
6/ Simple Nose: People with such a shaped nose have strong personalities and are very confident people. They are always themselves, regardless of the situation in which they find themselves, and they are people who are confident in themselves and their abilities. For this reason, it is not easy to move them.
7/ Roman nose: These people are very sensitive and have a highly developed emotional life. They are very empathetic and always available to other people. Sometimes, for this very reason, they forget about themselves.
8/ Crooked nose: People with this nose are stable, and loyal people who are good listeners. They are very pragmatic and you can always count on them.
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