Loretta Lynn Once Shared Her Simple Secret To A Long Life

Loretta Lynn Once Shared Her Simple Secret To A Long Life
Country Music Legend Loretta Lynn

In a 2015 interview with Billboard, Loretta Lynn shared the secret to her long life and long career. Ironically, the same smart decisions led to success in both her life and career.

Loretta Lynn, the Coal Miner’s Daughter, the First Lady of Country Music…however you refer to her, there is no doubt that Loretta Lynn is the Queen of Country music. Lynn won more accolades and awards than we can count, and did so as a wife and a mother of six.

But, even more impressive than her notable award wins and hall of fame inductions was the length of Loretta’s career. Over the course of 60 years, Lynn wrote more than 200 songs and released 50 studio albums. She continued to tour until 2017 when she suffered a stroke. A year later she fell and broke her hip.

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