Where are the Mandrell Sisters Now after Four Decades?

Mandrell Sisters
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There have been several very talented families in the history of Country Music, but only a few could come close to the pure talent of the Mandrell Sisters.

In the early 1980s, Barbara landed a contract with NBC for a variety series, and it was a boon to the entire Mandrell clan. Her sisters, Louise and Irlene, became her instant co-stars. Louise’s husband, R.C. Bannon, was even hired as the music coordinator. Millions enjoyed watching the TV variety show ‘Barbara Mandrell and The Mandrell Sisters.’ 

After two years of modest rating success, the popular TV show came to an end—to the relief of the sisters. “Irlene and I were tired, and Barbara was exhausted,” Louise recalled. The strain on Barbara’s voice was becoming too much too. “It was awful.”

And just like many other musical acts, the Mandrell Sisters, simply fell off the radar. Let’s take a look back at the trio’s fame and success. 

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