Country music star Willie Nelson’s spouse, Annie D’Angelo, has proven herself to be the perfect match for the legendary artist. Get to know her better!

1) Is Annie D’Angelo Willie Nelson’s first wife?
No, Annie is Willie Nelson’s fourth wife. Willie was previously married to Martha Matthews (1952-1962), Shirley Collie (1963-1971), and Connie Koepke (1971-1988).
2) Where did Annie and Willie get married and when did she become Willie Nelson’s spouse?
Yes, Annie is the mother of two sons, Lukas Autrey (born December 25, 1988) and Jacob Micah (May 24, 1990). Both are also musicians.
3) Do the couple have children together?
Yes, Annie is the mother of two sons, Lukas Autrey (born December 25, 1988) and Jacob Micah (May 24, 1990). Both are also musicians.
4) Does Annie D’Angelo have stepchildren?
She sure does! Five to be exact— Willie with Martha Matthews: Lana, Susie, Willie “Billy” Hugh, Jr. (died in 1991), Willie with Shirley Collie: Paula Carlene, Willie with Connie Koepke: Amy Lee.
5) How did Annie and Willie Nelson meet?
Annie met her future husband while she was working as a makeup artist on the set of the 1986 film Stagecoach. The movie also starred Kris Kristofferson and Johnny Cash!
6) What did Annie help put a stop to after they got hitched?
Moochers. Annie stepped in to help manage Willie’s financial mess and greatly reduced his payroll. Sadly, some individuals were taking advantage of Willie’s generosity.
7) What is at the heart of the couple’s longtime martial success?
“I’m not easy to live with. I’m pretty temperamental, you know. I’ve been used to doing things my own way for so long that I’m not interested in any suggestions. There was friction with my other wives. But it seems like Annie and I did okay with each other,” Willie share in a past interview with Taste of Country. “It takes a special person to live with me … I’ve got great wives, great kids, great grandkids.”
8) What is Annie D’Angelo’s age?
Annie D’Angelo was born on August 27, 1956.