Kris Kristofferson + Lisa Meyers: Inside Their 37-Year Love Story

Lisa Meyers Kristofferson

After Kristofferson and Coolidge ended their marriage in 1980, he met his third wife Lisa Meyers. The couple married in 1983. Not only was his film career steady, but he expanded his country music presence by starting the supergroup The Highwaymen with Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. Still married to this day, Lisa and Kristofferson had five children together — Jesse, Jody, Johnny, Blake and Kelly Marie Kristofferson. 

While not much is known about Meyers’ early life, we know that she is an alumnus of Pepperdine University and currently resides in Hana, Maui with her husband. She was his rock when he was misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He had memory problems for years, but a doctor finally realized he actually was suffering from Lyme Disease. While it took some time to recover, Meyers told Huffington Post that they approached the whole thing with humor.

“We understand Kris’s deficits in spatial awareness and short-term memory loss and we laugh about it all the time. We laugh at him and with him and we make the best of it because Lyme is so tragic that if you don’t have something to counterbalance the sadness of that, it’ll take you down. The more we can get Kris to laugh, the healthier he is. Being on the road, the laughter, the music. It’s great medicine. And I understand that when you have Lyme disease, your quality of life will vary with each different person. You have to just do the best you can.”

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