Barbara Mandrell met her husband when she was just 14: Now shares the secret to their happy and lasting relationship

”By our Heavenly Father and only because of God, only because of God. We’re like other couples. We do not get along perfectly; we do not go without arguments and, as I call them, fights, and heartache and pain and hurting each other. But a marriage is three of us,” she told CBN in 2002.

Barbara was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2009 and she has won most of the music awards out there. But she has also received some odd prizes during the years – twice, Barbara has been in PEOPLE magazine’s Most Beautiful People issue.

So what’s the secret behind her beauty, at the age of 72?

”As far as beauty goes — my mother is just really cute. At one time, I had her figure. When I was working, I was very disciplined and was doing 90 minutes of aerobics at every show. So I was lean and mean! My mother is maximum a size 2 — it just makes me sick! [laughs] So I keep hoping one day I’ll just turn into her,” Barbara says.

What a wonderful couple that manage to stay married all these years!

Barbara is a true make up of what God truly meant us to be … She figured it out, how to love unconditionally and how to let it shine through … She’s definitely one of a kind! Barbara Mandrell is the ultimate performer and best country singer ever along with Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette, and Loretta Lynn.

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