10 Legendary Instruments of Country Music


Clarence White’s Martin D-28

This guitar is perhaps one of the most “legendary” instruments in that quite a few legends surround it. The pre-WWII era Martin D-28 owned by Clarence White, that eventually made its way to Tony Rice, has a serious place in music lore. The whole story is actually quite amazing, as far as instruments go. But let’s put it this way: the modified Martin D-28 needed a lot of loving before it became what’s known as the “holy grail” of bluegrass instruments now. By the time Tony Rice turned it into the bluegrass music masterpiece it is today, nearly every well-known luthier in the states had worked on it. Bear in mind; this is a guitar White once leaned up against a tree and shot with a pellet gun. Seriously, read the whole story.


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