10 Legendary Instruments of Country Music


Monte Mountjoy’s Drumset

If you think today’s country music is controversial, take another look at 1944. Nowadays, we ask whether the squeaky clean pop production, loud guitars, and drum tracks constitute country music. Back then, they didn’t think regular drums represented country music. Not until Bob Wills’ drummer Monte Mountjoy rolled out his drum set onto the Grand Ole Opry stage at the last minute. The Opry had tons of rules, including no drums. Drums ain’t country, you see. Well, they certainly were to Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys. Ignoring the “no drums” policy, Wills allowed Mountjoy to wheel out his drum set at the last minute for what many argue is the first-ever use of drums at the Opry. And there was no looking back from there.


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