Insane (But True) Facts About Waylon Jennings

He Once Earned $25,000 Just By Taking A Pee

As you’ve now learned, Jennings didn’t like it when he didn’t get his way. In one instance, his refusal to give in to the folks negotiating his contract with RCA had an unexpected result.

Jennings wrote about the whole thing in his autobiography, saying he wanted a $25,000 sum from RCA, which they did not want to give him. When silence fell over the room, Jennings decided to get up and leave:

“I rose up, never said a word, walked out. I went to the bathroom to take a leak. When I came back, [Jennings’ lawyer] Neil [Reshen] greeted me in the hall. ‘You’re a f—–‘ genius,’ he said.”

Jennings was quite confused until Reshen explained things to him. When he walked out of his meeting, the RCA folks grew deeply concerned. Thinking he was mad, they surrendered and said they’d give him everything he asked for.

In other words, Jennings earned $25,000 just because he got up to go to the bathroom! Now that’s badass!

Which one of these insane, but true facts about Jennings did you find the most surprising or entertaining? He lived one eventful life, that’s fore sure.

READ ALSO: The Night In 1977 When Waylon Jennings Flushed Pills & Cocaine But The DEA Arrested Him Anyway

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