The Story Behind The Song: “Too Much Is Not Enough”

The Bellamy Brothers Too Much Is Not Enough
The Bellamy Brothers

For those who like to classify songs, “Too Much Is Not Enough” might be considered a “group duet.” The combination of the Bellamy Brothers and the Forester Sisters seemed a natural, based on their interactive history.


Christy Forester recalls that she and her sisters met Howard & David Bellamy at Fan Fair in 1985. The Bellamys had heard about the girls through the Foresters’ cousin, Dean Holtzhower, who years earlier had taught Howard & David in Sunday school.

Following the Fan Fair meeting, the Bellamys asked the sisters to sing backing vocals on a record for them. Naturally, the Foresters agreed and Howard & David sent them a demo to learn.


In the meantime, the Bellamys had already cut tracks on “Too Much Is Not Enough.” David had written the song in Cologne, West Germany during a snowstorm, with the assistance of their piano player, Ron Taylor. It occurred to the Bellamys to turn that song into a duet with the Foresters, instead of the other tune they originally sent to the sisters.

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