Merle Haggard: A Wild Soul Freed

His Final Years

In the early 1990’s, Merle’s at the lowest point of his life. A combination of bad decisions and abusive managers left him bankrupt at 60. Having a new family turned out to be a blessing though. His young wife Theresa and their children kept him level-headed. They’ve lived a low-profile life for the rest of the decade.

In 2000, Merle Haggard made a comeback in singing and was not disappointed. He released an album If I Could Only Fly. His band, The Strangers, were on the road again for tours.

The last years were transformative to him as well. Merle always thought of retirement. He loves making music but was tired of hearing people talk about doing things a certain way for his career. Thus, he decided to prioritize his family. He no longer wanted to waste his remaining days and energy in pursuit of continual fame.

On April 6, 2016, Merle Haggard found rest. He lived a ripe full age of 79 years.

At age 72, listen to Hag’s final song, “Kern River Blues,” is reminiscent of his Bakersfield days.

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