Merle Haggard: A Wild Soul Freed

Political Stance

Labeled a liberal, Merle Haggard is unapologetic. In fact, he did not concern himself much with who’s seated in the presidential seat. When asked by CNN about his thoughts on former President Obama, he said that considering the bigger picture, it won’t matter who rules the country. The then President Obama only played his role in that big picture.

Merle pointed further that our current woes were consequences of our collective previous mistakes. We can’t just blame them all on the president. In line with his share of opinion, he wrote Hopes are High. To Merle, the song is a message about second chances. Much as he’s realistic, he has not given up on his country just as his Lord has not given up on him.

Though people tried to label him a liberal, Merle had never sided with any political party. He even admitted that never voted. Thus, he despised being associated with politics on the account of his song, “Okie from Muskogee.”

As a forward-thinking Christian, there’s wisdom on Merle Haggard’s stance on politics.

When the country’s in deep trouble, it is easy to pass the buck to our government. Broadening our understanding though, it helps to bear in mind that man at his best could not wield power right. For a period yes, but not in the long run. Due to our inherited corrupt nature from our first parents, Adam and Eve, we couldn’t attain moral perfection yet. Hence, only Jesus qualifies to rule us.

One day, he’ll come and earth’s everlasting King. It will be counted wisdom on our part to not be entangled with today’s passing governments and to pledge our allegiance instead to his eternal kingdom.

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